Nutrition and supplementation in a pre-competition diet - "shaping phase"

Nutrition and supplementation in a pre-competition diet - "shaping phase"

The pre-competition diet, better known in lay circles as the "shaping phase", represents a key phase of preparation for every top bodybuilder, but also enthusiastic amateur exercisers endeavouring to highlight the results of their previous work among weights. Its main goal is to achieve the best possible shape, hardness, density and muscle separation. In this article, we will briefly, but all the more importantly, discuss what aspects the correct shaping phase should meet in terms of nutrition and subsequent supplementation, so that the desired result is attained as soon as possible and to the greatest extent possible. 


It should be noted at the outset that after the volume phase that precedes the pre-competition diet, the body receives a considerable impulse in the diet, combined with physical activity, to begin to break down body fat. Of course, anyone who can calculate the basic equations knows that weight loss, in this case the desired effect of body fat loss, lies in higher energy expenditure compared to its income. This relationship cannot be deceived, it can only be adapted according to what we want to achieve in terms of body weight in a given period of our lives - gaining weight, maintaining it, losing weight. In a way, it's a game of calories and energy balance.



Their total amount should always be increased compared to other stages of preparation. Proteins in muscles are more prone to breakdown due to intense physical activity and the current loss of calories. Their intake can very effectively prevent this unwanted process. The optimal intake in this period is in the range of 2.2 - 2.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day [1]. We can consider the most effective sources the following:

  • lean meat, egg whites, milk and dairy products, fish, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds, seaweed

  • rice, pasta, oatmeal, potatoes, fruit, quinoa, couscous, bulgur

  • olive oil, fish, beef, egg yolks, semi-fatty / fatty cottage cheese


To sustain muscle fullness, maximally intensive metabolism and fat burning, it is important to preserve a higher intake of carbohydrates. In the past, the practice of low-carbohydrate diets has been preferred. However, with low carbohydrate intake, muscle mass is burned, resulting in a slowdown in metabolism and reactions consisting of the accumulation of water and electrolytes in the body. The optimal intake of carbohydrates in this period is around 3 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day [2]. We can consider the following as their most effective sources:


The answer to the question of what the optimal fat intake is in the diet is prosaic. It should be as small as possible, given the almost double caloric value (9 kCal of 1 g of fat vs. 4 kCal of 1 g of carbohydrates and proteins). The optimal fat intake during this period should be around 30-50 g of fat per day [3]. We can consider the following as their most effective sources:

Supplementation IN SHAPING PHASE- Which of the supplements are most effective?

Amino acids

They are the basic building blocks of proteins. These are organic compounds linked to each other via a peptide bond. Each amino acid must contain at least one amino group (-NH2) and at the same time at least one carboxyl group (-COOH). They are the basic building block of proteins [4].

Protein preparations

These products also have an important place in the shaping phase. At this point, it should be specified that at this stage, it is suitable to replace protein concentrates with isolateshydrolysates containing higher amounts of proteins / peptides.

L- glutamine

It is the most plentiful amino acid in the blood. Although it is not an essential amino acid, its role is matchless. Its level decreases mainly after long-term physical activity. It makes up 60% of all amino acids in the muscle and its consumption is up to 5 times higher during training. These facts clearly suggest the appropriateness of glutamine supplementation during any more intense sport [5].


Tribulus Terrestris is one of the best known and most popular plants in the field of bodybuilding and strengthening. The extract from this plant is added to various supplements that support the growth of muscle mass. It is also considered an effective aphrodisiac, especially recommended in humans, in their 40s. Tribulus Terrestris contains a mixture of phytosterols, which are considered to be the most effective components of the plant kingdom. It has a wide range of positive effects, especially in sports and physical activity. It is an ideal supplement to increase physical performance, helps boost strength and endurance and also improves the regeneration of muscle mass.

Fat burners

Weight loss is a challenge that requires discipline but also patience. The most important role in losing extra pounds is to consume less calories, which is achieved by proper diet settings and regular physical activity. However, a carefully chosen nutritional supplement in the form of a fat burner can help meet the goal.


  1. ROUBÍK, L. Preparation for the competition in bodybuilding from A to Z. Prague: Grafixon, 2012. ISBN 978-80-904780-2-2. 113 p.

  2. SKOLNIK, H.; CHERNUS, A. Nutrition for maximum sports performance. Prague: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3847-5. 240 p.

  3. MACH, I.; BORKOVEC, J. Nutrition for fitness and bodybuilding. Prague: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4618-0. 128 p.

  4. OLIVIERA, R. The Essentials – Part One. UC Davis Integrative Medicine. [online]. 2016. Available at:

  5. VILIKUS, Z.; MACH, I.; BRANDEJSKÝ, P. Athlete nutrition and sports performance. Prague: Charles University, Karolinum Publishing House, 2012. ISBN 978-80-246-2064-0. 177 p.

Vladimír Roško
Product development / Graphic Designer / Marketing management

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