Nutritional Supplements for Building Volume: Which Are The Best for You? #1
Much has been said about nutritional supplements. You can find true, dubious, but also totally bad information about the needs of the human body on almost every website that deals with bodybuilding, fitness, a healthy lifestyle and the sale of various supplements. But what is the truth?
There is NO universal model
Most trainers promoting various products will tell you the unquestionable need for a protein drink, diagnose you with an amino acid deficiency and recommend you gain weight with a gainer. However, these tips are most often the result of pure amateurism.
The human body is a complex organism operating based on all the above-mentioned supplements, minerals, vitamins and other components. But there is a small catch. Every human body works in a different way, every physique and human skeleton develops differently, and every person needs different supplements in a special proportion for a targeted increase in muscle mass.
Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph
It is true that the physique is a crucial factor in taking supplements to gain muscle and lose fat. The ectomorph does not have to worry about excessive nutrient intake and simply burns them, the mesomorph has no problem gaining muscle mass and the endomorph should substantially reduce carbohydrate intake.
Nevertheless, it is not possible to prescribe one ideal menu and the same amount of supplements for all. Undoubtedly, each person has a different intensity of protein absorption, a different need for minerals and vitamins, etc.
So what to take and what not?
Let's look at which supplements are necessary or at least beneficial:
Antioxidants – protect our body from dangerous oxidation.
Omega 3 and 6 – essential fatty acids. They need to be replenished regularly, especially omega 3 ones.
Proteins – the cornerstone of muscle mass. Without protein, muscles simply won't grow.
Vitamins – these need to be supplemented especially in case of their insufficiency of natural sources (D from the Sun, C from fruit…).