Dietary supplements suitable for the diet

Dietary supplements suitable for the diet

Have you gotten to the stage where you need to drop some pounds or, on the contrary, gain some pounds? In this article, you will read about what supplements could help you in your efforts.

First of all, I must definitely mention and attach the greatest emphasis to the diet. It doesn't matter if you want to gain weight or you want to lose weight, the basis and the most important thing is always the proper diet. Without it, you can try as hard as you can in the gym, eat all sorts of supplements, but you will hardly achieve the body of your dreams.

So, the first point is to adjust your diet. If we want to lose weight, our energy intake must be lower than our expenditure. Mathematics simply won't go away, and by that lower income I don't mean a hunger strike or a similar milder extreme form.

The second point to the dream physique is to have a well-founded workout. By the term workout, I definitely do not mean hours of cardio training. By doing so, you will just lose the muscle mass you have a little, and in the end you can look even worse, as you will have the shape of a quivering jelly and who does not want to have nice and mainly firm curves after all?

If we have 100% mastered diet and training, we can start looking for nutritional supplements.

I personally put joint nutrition in the first place. It doesn't matter if you want to lose weight or gain weight. Once you do sports or move somehow more than just walking from your work home and from home to work, it is definitely desirable to buy joint nutrition. Our tendons and ligaments are stressed and worn out by movement. And let's face it, once the pain starts, your sport practice ends immediately. I liked this new apple nutrition. It has a great composition, it consists of many beneficial substances such as collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM and others.

The second supplement that is sure to fit is a million times repeated protein. It is advisable to include it either as a quick source of nutrients after training, or if you find that you are consuming little protein in your diet. Protein is a straightforward form of rapid supplementation of proteins, which are especially important to us.

We must not forget the amino acids BCAA, which are very valuable in the diet, too. They accelerate regeneration after heavy training, but most importantly, they shield muscle mass from its catabolism - loss and, as we know for sure, building muscles is not an easy feat, so you need to take care of them properly.

Since we are on a diet, we come up with the most controversial topic and that is fat burners. I will repeat it - forget that the burner will lose weight for you. If you just want to sit in front of the TV and eat pizza, forget it. No dietary supplement in the world can guarantee you such weight loss.

My recommendation? Two products proved to be the best for me.

One is synephrine and the other is CLA, which is Omega 6.

Synephrine has the function of raising body temperature and increasing the rate of basal metabolism, which means that even when you are inactive, your body will burn more calories. 

The CLA in turn, works on the principle that it uses food primarily for energy and muscle growth, and therefore does not tend to store food in fat stores. I definitely recommend adding Omega 3 fatty acids to CLA for a better effect of CLA itself.